Annotation processors are easy to use with bld. Generally, you'll just need to include the processor as a dependency, for example:
public class ExampleBuild extends Project { public ExampleBuild() { // ... scope(provided) .include(dependency("com.example", "annotator", version(1, 0, 0))); } }If the processor is generating source files, you can easily specify where they should be saved, using the sourceOutput compile option, for example:
/** * Saves generated source files in the {@code build/generated} directory. */ @Override public void compile() throws Exception { var generated = new File(buildDirectory(), "generated"); var ignore = generated.mkdir(); compileOperation().compileOptions().process(Processing.FULL).sourceOutput(generated); super.compile(); }To incorporate the generated source code into the source tree, add this directory as an additional source location in your IDE.
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