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    However, Diablo 4 fan TheoryOfN discovered something hilarious about the in-game text and shared their findings on Reddit. The Collector's Edition artbook for Diablo 4 has a key to translate the Cathedral of Light text. Using it, they were able to translate the words found in Diablo 4. When they did, they found nearly every piece of text in the game – and in the artbook itself – was some iteration of the word "werewolf." Occasionally the letters would be jumbled up in some other fashion, but werewolf was consistently repeated everywhere they looked.

    There are a few instances where Diablo 4 used this text to say other things besides werewolf. The holy book from the first Blood Petal cutscene in Nevesk uses the same text, but the words are complete gibberish. The Diablo 4 world map, on the other hand, features some actual words on the far eastern edge that roughly translates to "BEWARE FRACTURED MOUNTAIN" and "BEWARE HERE BE DRAGONS," though the text cuts off, so it is difficult to read it perfectly.

    Diablo 4 players got a kick out of the particular discovery. Some joked the Cathedral of Light must be obsessed with the Druid class in Diablo 4, or that they were sick of dealing with the werewolf infestation that plagues Sanctuary. Others mused the text was secretly a hint that one of Diablo 4's upcoming seasons will be lycanthropy-themed.

    Other fans were actually disappointed with this particular Diablo 4 design decision. Since players love finding little details like this, so it was only a matter of time until they discovered the repetition of the word werewolf. These players think Diablo 4 could have added actual lore, hints, or other jokes in the text, and that just repeating werewolf seemed lazy. Either way, now that fans have the translation key, they will undoubtedly be scouring the game world for more non-werewolf messages hidden in Diablo 4.

    A repetitive message that keeps appearing in Diablo 4's on-screen message box has many players irked. Diablo 4 is Blizzard's latest big hit as the dark fantasy dungeon crawler has garnered huge sales as well as critical praise over the past month since launch. Despite this, there are still some headaches many players wish to see fixed.

    Part of Diablo 4's intuitive and stylish user interface is a handy message box on the lower right side of the screen. This box is home to many types of notifications that scroll by during play such as the most recent NPC dialogue, important actions of other nearby players, as well as information regarding the current session, among other things.

    One of the many features of Diablo 4 is optional crossplay between different platforms. When this feature is enabled, a message informing the player will pop up in the message box in large yellow text. However, it seems like a recent bug is causing this particular message to repeatedly pop up about every 30 seconds, and players have had enough of it.

    Diablo 4 Players Want Changes To The Reroll System

    In the Diablo 4 subreddit, user DogBt posted a meme featuring an image of famous Hollywood actor Leslie Nielsen from the comedy film Airplane! mocking the game's repetitive crossplay message with a classic moment from the movie. While the message box doesn't take up too much of the user interface, the bright yellow text of the crossplay message can be distracting for a lot of players, especially every 30 seconds.

    Additionally, the spam notification can end up hogging the message box, pushing other more useful information such as NPC dialogue out of view too quickly. Some commenters below the post mentioned that turning off crossplay entirely doesn't seem to stop the rogue message from appearing. Others chimed in noting that one must log out of, and then back into Diablo 4 in order for the change to stick.

    Another user under the post mocked a different Diablo 4 message that notifies players of closing the blue portal they used to fast travel into a town upon leaving said town on foot. This large on-screen message can get annoying for players who already know how these portals work, especially since it plasters a large text box on the screen every time instead showing up in the message box off to the side.

    While Diablo 4 has been massively successful there are still some changes that are being called for by fans. A lack of more robust social elements in Diablo 4, as well as the annoying "This skill isn't ready yet" pop-up are among some of the pains players wish to see changed. As Diablo 4 is an ongoing live service title, fans wouldn't be wrong to expect to see these issues addressed at some point in the near future.

    The frustrating "Save the Adventurers" event in Diablo 4 is leading some players to criticize the game. Diablo 4 is packed full of open-world encounters and events that players can do at their leisure. Yet not all events are created equal, according to Diablo 4's playerbase. While most of these events are relatively easy, there's one revolving around protecting a group of NPC adventurers that is easily and frequently failed.

    In Diablo 4's open world, certain areas of the map have a chance to spawn encounters. These encounters aren't permanently available, disappearing upon completion for an unclear amount of time. Each encounter is somewhat different, tasking players with quests like contributing blood to a ritual or following a wandering spirit as it looks for its family. Completing the encounter rewards a chest full of loot, plus bonuses if the encounter is "Mastered" by performing an additional challenge.

    Buy Diablo 4 Items
  • A place to talk about whatever you want and to introduce yourself

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    In Diablo 4 Season 5, earning gold efficiently is crucial for upgrading your gear, crafting valuable items, and overall progression. While there are many ways to accumulate diablo 4 gold , hunting Treasure Goblins stands out as one of the most rewarding methods. These elusive creatures carry vast amounts of gold and loot, making them highly sought-after by players. In this article, we will explore how killing Treasure Goblins can help you earn significant amounts of gold, and we’ll offer strategies to maximize your success when hunting these valuable targets.

    Understanding Treasure Goblins

    Treasure Goblins are special enemies that randomly spawn in different areas of the game. Unlike regular monsters, they don’t engage in combat but instead attempt to flee when spotted. These goblins carry large quantities of gold and loot, and if defeated before they escape, they drop their hoard for the player to collect. However, if they manage to escape, you miss out on their valuable rewards.

    In Diablo 4, Treasure Goblins can be found across various zones, but their spawn rate is unpredictable. They often appear in dungeons, open-world zones, and during certain world events. Their value as a gold source makes them a key target for players looking to build wealth quickly.

    Maximizing Your Efficiency

    Given the unpredictable nature of Treasure Goblin spawns, it's essential to maximize your efficiency when hunting them. First, focus on areas with high monster density, as Treasure Goblins are more likely to appear in these locations. Dungeons and world events are prime spots to encounter them. Keep in mind that these goblins often spawn near groups of other monsters, so always be prepared to take on additional foes while chasing down your target.

    Another important strategy is to be quick. Treasure Goblins will attempt to run away as soon as they are spotted, and they can disappear if not killed swiftly. To prevent this, you should use high-damage, crowd control abilities to slow or stun the goblins while you deal damage. Classes with mobility skills will also have an advantage, as you can quickly close the distance to keep the goblin within range.

    Target Specific Goblins

    Not all Treasure Goblins are the same. While most drop significant amounts of gold and loot, some rare variants can provide even better rewards. For example, the “Gilded Goblin” variant is known to drop larger amounts of gold, making them especially valuable targets for those focused on gold farming. Keep an eye out for these rare goblins, as they can drastically increase your gold income.

    Additionally, some goblins drop unique or rare items, which can be sold for even more gold at vendors or on the in-game market. Combining the direct gold drops with the sale of high-value items makes Treasure Goblin hunting a highly profitable activity.

    Gear Up for Maximum Gains

    When hunting Treasure Goblins, it’s wise to equip gear that boosts gold drop rates. Some items in Diablo 4 come with attributes that increase the amount of gold dropped by enemies or improve your chances of finding rare loot. These items can significantly enhance your overall gold earnings when killing Treasure Goblins.

    Additionally, certain skills or passive abilities may also improve your gold farming efficiency. If your build allows for it, consider using abilities that increase your damage output or movement speed, as these will help you eliminate Treasure Goblins faster and prevent them from escaping. Equipping such abilities will give you a noticeable edge in maximizing the rewards from your hunts.

    Hunt in Groups for Better Rewards

    While Treasure Goblins can be killed solo, hunting them in groups offers several advantages. When playing in a group, you can spread out to cover more ground, increasing the chances of spotting goblins before they flee. Group play also makes it easier to control goblins with crowd-control abilities, ensuring they don't escape.

    In Diablo 4, the loot and gold rewards from goblins are often shared among group members, so cooperating with others can make the hunt more efficient while ensuring everyone benefits from the goblin’s hoard. Coordinating your efforts and using complementary abilities can result in faster kills and more gold for all participants.


    Hunting Treasure Goblins in Diablo 4 Season 5 is one of the most exciting and lucrative methods of earning gold. With their random spawns and valuable rewards, these elusive creatures can drastically improve your gold income if hunted effectively. By focusing on high-density areas, using crowd control and mobility abilities, and targeting rare goblin variants, you can maximize your gold-earning potential.

    However, for those looking to skip the grind and focus on more enjoyable aspects of the game, purchasing gold from a trusted source like U4GM can be a smart choice. As a player, I’ve found that using U4GM to buy gold or getting diablo iv boosting has saved me countless hours of farming. It allows me to enjoy the game’s content without worrying about gold shortages. Their service is reliable and fast, making it a convenient option for players who want to enjoy Diablo 4 to its fullest without spending excessive time farming.

  • General discussion about 3D printing and design

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    My 3D printed MechaGodzilla is doing a little dance with all the good energy from the weekend. He's the best office buddy!


  • Pure java build tool for developers who don't like dealing with build tools

    8 Topics
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    All the extensions have been updated for bld 2.1:

    bld ANTLR4 extension bld Archive extension bld Checkstyle extension bld Command Line Execution extension bld Generated Version extension bld JaCoCo Report extension bld Kotlin extension bld Detekt extension bld Dokka extension bld PIT Mutation Testing extension bld PMD extension bld Property File extension bld Spring Boot extension bld TestNG extension bld Tests Badge extension
  • Instant bottle shower

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  • Highly modular 3D printable dungeon tile systems

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    Dynamod Games is at East Coast RepRap Festival on the HueForge booth! Very excited that this worked out and that people can see HueForge is also useful for functional designs, in this case the multicolored Dynamod floors!


  • Multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures

    4 Topics
    13 Posts

    Thank you!

  • Tactile and UV reactive knob rings

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    5,95 EUR Knobotron - Tactile UV Reactive Knob Rings Knobotron - Tactile UV Reactive Knob Rings

    Colored knob upgrade rings with a tactile pointer indicating the current position and allowing comfortable single finger tweaking. The knobs are fluorescent and UV reactive, generating an intense glow under black light. Knobotron comes in packs assembled for specific synths. Half the knobs are in...

  • Perfectly and effortlessly record and play MIDI

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    This short demo of MIDI Tape Recorder plays back four Animoog Z instances running inside AUM. Everything was played on the Animoog Z built-in keyboards and recorded in a sample-accurate way in MIDI Tape Recorder.

    MIDI Tape Recorder plugin demo
  • Spatially anchored controllers for Vision Pro

    1 Topics
    1 Posts

    MIDI Widgets is now available on the Vision Pro App Store!

    ‎MIDI Widgets ‎MIDI Widgets

    ‎MIDI Widgets is the first spatial MIDI designer, fully embracing many new capabilities of Apple Vision Pro. We also created the open-source and free SendMIDI, ReceiveMIDI and ShowMIDI tools, as well as MIDI Tape Recorder, MidiWrist and GECO MIDI. All best-in-class and highly regarded MIDI...

    MIDI Widgets is the first spatial MIDI designer, fully embracing many new capabilities of Apple Vision Pro.

    This initial version of MIDI Widgets supports faders, buttons and knobs. More controls will be added in future updates.

    MIDI controllers can be positioned anywhere in your physical spaces and will stay anchored where you put them. MIDI Widgets will recognize different rooms and locations and restore your controller designs exactly as you left them, even across restarts.

    Controllers can be grouped in scenes, allowing different layouts to be recalled for different purposes. Each scene has its own set of enabled MIDI outputs.



    Designed specifically for Apple Vision Pro Create as many faders, buttons and knobs as you need Freely position and orient individual controllers Spatial snapping makes it easy to build out perfectly aligned larger control surfaces Controllers automatically remain anchored to their location, even across restarts Controllers can be grouped in scenes and are easily recalled for different purposes Freely re-position and re-orient entire scenes Scenes can send MIDI messages to multiple configurable MIDI ports Support for Bluetooth LE MIDI devices Built-in virtual MIDI to send MIDI to other Vision Pro apps on the same device Per controller MIDI channel selection Per controller MIDI Control Change, Channel Pressure, Program Change or Pitch Bend messages Per controller 7-bit and 14-bit Control Change resolution Controllers can optionally reset to a neutral position upon release Faders and knobs can be unidirectional or bidirectional Every part of a control can be assigned a different color for recognizability Colors can easily be copied and pasted, individually or as complete color schemes Controllers can have optional labels that can be placed on any of the four edges A floating tool window follows your left or right hand and allows editing anywhere Multiple controllers can be used simultaneously, allowing for dual hand interaction
  • Control synths from your Watch

    3 Topics
    3 Posts

    MidiWrist Unleashed is a complete rewrite of MidiWrist as a standalone Apple Watch application that doesn't use the iPhone as a gateway for MIDI connections anymore.

    MidiWrist Unleashed is able to make direct Bluetooth LE connections to MIDI devices and has a full suite of config/editing tools included.

    MidiWrist Unleashed is rapidly becoming the most full-featured standalone WatchOS app I've seen. It feels really cool to be able to do so much just on your wrist.

    It supports multiple MIDI control presets with auto-reconnection to BLE devices, any number of panels per presets, knob/button panel, support for the digital crown, XY panel, motion panel, ... with full configuration of MIDI settings, name, layout, alt corner buttons.

    Next up is a transport control panel and then a stepper panel with one big control and up/down buttons. Finally, adding color selection for each panel and control, and then I should be close to release.


  • MIDI Polyphonic Expression

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    I have new versions of SendMIDI and ReceiveMIDI available with MPE Profile support.

    The intent of these versions of my tools is that people can focus on either the initiator or responder role for their product and leave the other part of the negotiation up to either SendMIDI or ReceiveMIDI. This should make it easier to bootstrap adding MPE Profile support.

    GitHub - gbevin/SendMIDI: Multi-platform command-line tool to send out MIDI messages GitHub - gbevin/SendMIDI: Multi-platform command-line tool to send out MIDI messages

    Multi-platform command-line tool to send out MIDI messages - gbevin/SendMIDI

    GitHub - gbevin/ReceiveMIDI: Multi-platform command-line tool to monitor and receive MIDI messages GitHub - gbevin/ReceiveMIDI: Multi-platform command-line tool to monitor and receive MIDI messages

    Multi-platform command-line tool to monitor and receive MIDI messages - gbevin/ReceiveMIDI

    SendMIDI allows simulating the role of an MPE Profile initiator, while ReceiveMIDI allows simulating the role of an MPE Profile responder (only on Linux/macOS due to virtual port creation)

    Here's an basic example of usage:

    Create a virtual MIDI port named profiletest and configure it to support manager channel 1 with 15 member channels as a responder:

    receivemidi mpp profiletest 1 15

    Use profiletest both as the MIDI output and input port and request the MPE profile to be enabled as an initiator with manager channel 1 and with 6 member channels:

    sendmidi dev profiletest mpp profiletest 1 6

    The relevant outputs could be:

    receivemidi mpp profiletest 1 15 Responder MUID 0x0d1212d6 waiting for MPE Profile negotiation on channel 1 MUID 0x03926473 : MPE Profile enabled with manager channel 1 and 6 member channels MUID 0x03926473 : MPE Profile details inquired for optional features sendmidi dev profiletest mpp profiletest 1 6 Initiator MUID 0x03926473 negotating MPE Profile with manager channel 1 and 6 member channels MUID 0x0d1212d6 : Discovered MUID 0x0d1212d6 : Requesting MPE Profile enablement with manager channel 1 and 6 member channels MUID 0x0d1212d6 : MPE Profile enabled with manager channel 1 and 6 member channels MUID 0x0d1212d6 : Inquiring MPE Profile details for optional features MUID 0x0d1212d6 : MPE Profile details received for optional features MUID 0x0d1212d6 channel response : not supported MUID 0x0d1212d6 pitch bend : supported MUID 0x0d1212d6 channel pressure : standard controller MUID 0x0d1212d6 3rd dimension : standard controller

    This is another possible example:

    Create a virtual MIDI port named profiletest and configure it to support any manager channel with up to 8 member channels as a responder, this also disables pitch bend as a supported feature and enables bipolar controllers for channel pressure and 3rd dimension:

    receivemidi mpp profiletest 0 8 mpb 0 mcp 2 m3d 2

    Use profiletest both as the MIDI output and input port and request the MPE profile to be enabled as an initiator with manager channel 2 and with 10 member channels:

    sendmidi dev profiletest mpp profiletest 2 10

    Then, use profiletest both as the MIDI output and input port and request the MPE profile to be enabled as an initiator with manager channel 12 and with 6 member channels:

    sendmidi dev profiletest mpp profiletest 12 6

    The relevant outputs could be:

    receivemidi mpp profiletest 0 8 mpb 0 mcp 2 m3d 2 Responder MUID 0x04b33d6f waiting for MPE Profile negotiation on all channels MUID 0x00166e57 : MPE Profile enabled with manager channel 2 and 8 member channels MUID 0x00166e57 : MPE Profile details inquired for optional features MUID 0x001a9680 : MPE Profile disabled with manager channel 2 MUID 0x001a9680 : MPE Profile enabled with manager channel 12 and 4 member channels MUID 0x001a9680 : MPE Profile details inquired for optional features sendmidi dev profiletest mpp profiletest 2 10 Initiator MUID 0x00166e57 negotating MPE Profile with manager channel 2 and 10 member channels MUID 0x04b33d6f : Discovered MUID 0x04b33d6f : Requesting MPE Profile enablement with manager channel 2 and 10 member channels MUID 0x04b33d6f : MPE Profile enabled with manager channel 2 and 8 member channels MUID 0x04b33d6f : Inquiring MPE Profile details for optional features MUID 0x04b33d6f : MPE Profile details received for optional features MUID 0x04b33d6f channel response : not supported MUID 0x04b33d6f pitch bend : not supported MUID 0x04b33d6f channel pressure : alternate bipolar controller MUID 0x04b33d6f 3rd dimension : alternate bipolar controller sendmidi dev profiletest mpp profiletest 12 6 Initiator MUID 0x001a9680 negotating MPE Profile with manager channel 12 and 6 member channels MUID 0x04b33d6f : Discovered MUID 0x04b33d6f : Requesting MPE Profile enablement with manager channel 12 and 6 member channels MUID 0x04b33d6f : MPE Profile disabled with manager channel 2 MUID 0x04b33d6f : MPE Profile enabled with manager channel 12 and 4 member channels MUID 0x04b33d6f : Inquiring MPE Profile details for optional features MUID 0x04b33d6f : MPE Profile details received for optional features MUID 0x04b33d6f channel response : not supported MUID 0x04b33d6f pitch bend : not supported MUID 0x04b33d6f channel pressure : alternate bipolar controller MUID 0x04b33d6f 3rd dimension : alternate bipolar controller

    Full documentation can be found by typing sendmidi -h or receivemidi -h.

    Hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

  • Modular Eurorack Cases

    4 Topics
    23 Posts

    Hi everyone,

    I've decided to make RackBlox fully free. You can now download all the files from Printables:


    Thanks for all your support so far!

  • Full-stack, no-declaration, framework to quickly and effortlessly create web applications with modern Java

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    RIFE2 v1.8.0 is available:

    Release 1.8.0 · rife2/rife2 Release 1.8.0 · rife2/rife2

    Added support for Java 22. Added support for WebJars when running with the embedded Jetty or Tomcat servlet container. When deployed as a WAR, WebJars were already supported. Added rife.feed packag...

    Added support for Java 22. Added support for WebJars when running with the embedded Jetty or Tomcat servlet container.
    When deployed as a WAR, WebJars were already supported. Added rife.feed package to make it easy to generate content syndication feeds. Fix to template parsing to support tags inside angled brackets without adjacent spaces.
    For instance: <{{v value1/}}></{{v value2/}}> Template improvements when being processed through web engine.
    The Context parameters are now used for the param: filtered value tags instead of request parameters. Fix to ensure that templates going through the web engine Context always get the context added as a template attribute before printing the template. Added ability to set custom attributes in CookieBuilder. Fixed issue where MySQL TINYINT(1) columns wouldn't be converted to boolean types in the database layer. Improvements to tests. Updated to latest bld. Updated RIFE2 IDEA plugin. Updated to latest dependencies.
  • Command-line tools for sending and receiving MIDI messages

    1 Topics
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    This is a brain-dump tutorial of how to use the command-line on macOS, specifically for using my tools SendMIDI and ReceiveMIDI.

    IMPORTANT: Apple changed the default shell from bash to zsh. This video refers to the file .profile that needs to be edited. Instead of .profile, use .zprofile which is what zsh uses.

    Command-line tutorial for musicians using SendMIDI and ReceiveMIDI (description has important note)
  • Multi-platform GUI application to effortlessly visualize MIDI activity

    11 Topics
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    ShowMIDI 1.0 Tutorial : Multi-platform GUI application to effortlessly visualize MIDI activity
  • Open-source 3D printed synth overlays for vision impaired people

    12 Topics
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    Tactile Patch Sheets are a 3D printed design vocabulary to help vision impaired people more easily dial in synthesizer patches on hardware synths.

    Tactile Patch Sheets - 3D Printed Synth Overlays Tactile Patch Sheets - 3D Printed Synth Overlays

    Design vocabulary to allow synth patches to be dialed in by touch.

    I started this work two years ago and was finally able to get everything written up, and all the files created, tested and uploaded.

    Everything about this work is open-source and BSD licensed.
