MidiWrist Unleashed is a complete rewrite of MidiWrist as a standalone Apple Watch application that doesn't use the iPhone as a gateway for MIDI connections anymore.
MidiWrist Unleashed is able to make direct Bluetooth LE connections to MIDI devices and has a full suite of config/editing tools included.
MidiWrist Unleashed is rapidly becoming the most full-featured standalone WatchOS app I've seen. It feels really cool to be able to do so much just on your wrist.
It supports multiple MIDI control presets with auto-reconnection to BLE devices, any number of panels per presets, knob/button panel, support for the digital crown, XY panel, motion panel, ... with full configuration of MIDI settings, name, layout, alt corner buttons.
Next up is a transport control panel and then a stepper panel with one big control and up/down buttons. Finally, adding color selection for each panel and control, and then I should be close to release.
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